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Srinidhi Dabriwal: the art and the artist

Updated: Jul 24, 2023

Srinidhi Dabriwal is Artlune’s second Artist of the Week. Over on our Instagram account we are promoting up and coming, and hobby artists who tag us in their artwork posts. Srinidhi’s mixed media artwork (Pink Elephant) invited us in for a closer look. As part of winning Artist of the Week, we invited Srinidhi to be featured on Artlune’s blog. We met up on Google Meet to find out more about the artist and her work.

During the monotonous days of lockdown Srinidhi Dabriwal picked up a brush and began to paint. Intricate kaleidoscopes of leaves and petals dance across her vibrant canvasses. Amidst the urban landscape of her home in Hyderabad, Srinidhi creates paintings overflowing with textured layers rich with organic forms and spiritual meaning.

Srinidhi grew up mesmerized by the gilt, antique and rare books collected by her grandfather. An avid bibliophile, he amassed an impressive collection of 19th and 20th century books. Inside the ornate covers and bindings were lush hand painted illustrations. As an adult, Srinidhi rediscovered the magic of book illustrations while reading stories to her children. She draws inspiration from the works of children's book illustrators, including Axel Scheffler and Jim Kay.

The Pink Elephant, Acrylic on canvas

Each of her paintings are carefully produced. With meticulous care, she works the base layer until the final result stirs a sense of satisfaction in her. Using a mix of acrylic, pigments, water colours and pens, Srinidhi creates jungles and natural environments plucked from her imagination. In her debut series, Jungle, she subverts animal stereotypes that often plague their portrayals by painting them in serene poses. Her paintings of a lion, tiger, elephant, zebra and jaguar showcase their calmer and softer side. By challenging our preconceptions of these creatures, Srinidhi seeks to instilin us a greater understanding of ourselves.

Her second series, Circle of Life, explores the relationship between nature, spirituality and humans through life. Inspired by her own experiences and spiritual learnings, the works delve into the path of human experience through circles traced on the paintings. Even as she honours humanity's complexities, Srinidhi still cedes place to nature, which dominates the canvasses. Flora extends over the edges of the circles that occupy a small portion of each painting's expanse.

Exposure has come quickly for Srinidhi, as she showcased her work at art festivals in 2022 including World Art Dubai and India Art Festival along with participating in group exhibitions with other artists. A former Montessori teacher, Srinidhi understands how to create immersive and interactive experiences for her audiences. With her vibrant art, she wants to inspire viewers to renew or deepen their connection with nature. If there is one thing Srinidhi’s paintings can leave us with, it is an invitation to rekindle our bond with the world around us.

To see more of Srinidhi’s colourful work, visit her profile on our website and visit her Instagram @artbysrinidhi

Written by Charlotte Steele

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